Detours International Film Festival – FAQs
What are the eligibility requirements?
- Projects must be listed as completed status by January 1st 2023 or after.
- Outside of legitimate Film Festivals, no public theatrical exhibitions or digital world wide releases prior to January 1st, 2023, for short or feature-length and episodic projects, will be accepted. Private screenings being the exception.
- Non-English dialogue must include English subtitles.
What are the submission deadlines and fees? Submissions must be completed through our official platform by the following deadlines:
- Early Deadline: $40 (Short Films), $60 (Feature Films, Episodic Content)
- Regular Deadline: $60 (Short Films), $80 (Feature Films, Episodic Content)
- Late Deadline: $80 (Short Films), $100 (Feature Films, Episodic Content)
Please ensure your submission is complete and your video is accessible by the final day of your selected deadline. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.
How do I choose the right category for my project? Select the category that best suits your project:
- Short Films: Films under 30 minutes (including credits).
- Feature Films: Films 40 minutes or longer.
- Pilots: Television or New Media productions 10-55 minutes in length.
- Episodic Content: Projects intended as multi-episode series.
Projects should align with the guidelines for each category provided during the submission process.
Can I submit a rough cut? Yes, rough cuts are accepted as long as the project is complete enough for evaluation. Missing elements should be noted with title cards or descriptions.
Do I need to clear copyrighted materials? Yes, all copyrighted or trademarked materials must be licensed or cleared. It is the responsibility of the project’s owners to ensure compliance with copyright and trademark laws.
When will I be notified about my submission? Notification of acceptance will be sent via email by [Insert Notification Date]. Ensure your contact information is current to avoid missed communication.
What formats are required for submission?
- Submissions must be made as online screeners through our platform.
- Accepted projects will later require a DCP for in-person screenings and a ProRes file for online presentations.
Do you offer fee waivers? We strive to keep our fees reasonable and therefore do not offer waivers. Applicants are encouraged to submit early to take advantage of lower fees.
For additional questions or specific inquiries, contact us at